When you see HP fax error 388 message in your computer, then it means that there is a breakdown in your system operation. The immediate cause of this error 388 Fax is an interruption to appropriately run among its regular procedure by a system’s element. The error using this code might happen in various areas within the system. Therefore, even though it brings some introduction in its title.
It is still challenging for the users to conclude as well as repair the error 388 on the hp fax. Users without the help of a trained technician or technical knowledge cannot solve this issue. The error occurs in the fax when you are trying to send out the fax, and this indicates the Line or sound disruption. The error has verified solutions as well as lots of reasons. And it is important for the users to know about its cause before the solution. If you know about the causes, then it will help you in fixing the error

Causes of HP fax error 388:
- It may occur due to incorrect or stopped working setup or un-installation of a software program that may have still missed some worthless entries in the Windows computer system registry.
- Due to virus or malware attack.
- Improper system shutdown and its result as the power breakdown.
- Maybe you or some other person deletes an essential system document from the computer.
- Sometimes because of the breakdown in the system operation.
The immediate appearance of the error in the system, interrupt the appropriate working and interrupt the regular procedure of the system’s element.
Troubleshooting Steps for Error 388 on Hp Fax
Solution 1: Perform a Fax Test
- On the Printer’s Control Panel, tap Fax
- Next swipe up and afterward choose Setup
- Select Tools option
- Now tap on Test Fax
Note: The printer will show the status of the test and after this task gets completed, it will print a document.
- You need to wait until the printer prints the documents- Fax Test Report.
- Now examine the report.
- If the report suggests that the printer has passed the test, but the issue is still present, then examine the fax configuration that is provided by the document.
- And empty or inaccurate fax setup can also be one of the reasons behind this error.
- Or if the printer report shows that the printer has stopped working the test, then inspect the file for some additional information regarding repairing issues.
Solution 2: Choose a different time to build a connection
- Try to set up the fax transmission at a different time when the telephone line situation has improved.
- You can also deactivate the v.34 on the receiving device and also try the transmission to make the use of the V.17 setting.
After completing the above-mentioned steps, we advise you to check whether your Printer is in a stable situation or not. Try to send a fax, if it goes correct without any disturbance, it means that the error has gone.
Solution 3: Plug the printer cable directly into the electricity socket
Ensure that the fax is connected with the master phone outlet, and this is not using any extension or extension cord. Maybe after rechecking the connection of your printer, the error may get solved. If it so then you can use its all the features, including scanning as well as faxing.
We have mentioned the best steps to employ and perform on your printer, you face fax error 308. We know that the error is a daunting one, and can raise so many issues for you. Therefore, to remove the error from the printer, you can take all the measures, re-check everything, and also follow the above steps. However, if still the HP printer error is not solved yet, then you take the help from experts
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
How Do I Fax From HP?
Before start Fax From HP, you need to prepare your printer for faxing. In order to fax, you first require to open the document you want to fax, then click on File menu, select Print and then Printer option consecutively. Opt for the printer that includes ‘Fax’ in the name (For Example: Fax – HP Officejet Pro 6970), and then click Print tab to invoke the Send Fax window where you have to mention the fax number and make changes in settings and preferences option. After performing this, send a fax from your printer by loading your document into the ADF tray, and then dial the receiving fax phone number from the printer control panel. In this way you will be able to fax the document from your HP fax machine.
Can I Fax Without A Fax Machine?
Yes, you can Fax Without A Fax Machine as Microsoft Windows comprises a Fax and Scan application that permits you to send faxes. The first thing you would require to perform is, connect your computer to the phone line.
Hence, it is needed a dial-up fax modem and even also a landline telephone connection in order to fax the document without having a fax machine. While sending faxes to the person, you have to tell him to stay off his/her phone just like the older dial-up Internet days. However, you are also needed to scan the document first which you would like to fax and then send the scanned document for faxing.
How Can I Test My Fax Machine?
If you have recently installed Fax machine and want to Test Fax Machine for its functionality, you have to send one-page black and white text fax to a phone number.
And also ensure that the fax machine is plugged-in into the line appropriately. Once your fax is received by the HP Test Fax Service, it proves that you can both send and receive a fax. But in case, the text fax fails to send and receive, then make sure your complete 10-digit fax number is added in the fax header and that matches the telephone number connected to the fax.
How Do I Setup My HP Digital Fax?
In order to effort-freely receive faxes to a computer or email, it is required to Setup My HP Digital Fax. Using HP Digital Fax, have to confirm that the fax connection is well-established, the HP software is installed properly, and that you have access to the folder where incoming fax files will be sent.
Now, once you are confirmed about these, test HP Digital Fax whether it is successfully set up or not by sending a fax to the HP Fax Service Number. If you receive the sent document within 5 to 7 minutes, you are good to go ahead with your Fax machine. This feature assists save paper and ink as an alternative to printing faxes, and can provide access to faxes even when away from the printer. A contact phone line (landline) connection is needed to use HP Digital Fax.
Is HP Mobile Fax Free?
Yes, it is! HP Mobile Fax Free. All you need is a mobile phone, email account and an internet connection to enjoy the free faxing service. Download the trustworthy third-party fax application from the app store and register on the website to start sending free faxes without any delay. Similarly, you can turn your Android device or iPhone into a machine for free faxing. However, the mobile fax app makes it easier than ever in a way of receiving, signing and sending a fax.
How To Set Up Fax On HP Printer?
To send and receive faxes using your HP Printer, you must first Set Up Fax On HP Printer. To begin the set up process, you need to plug the printer’s power cord into the wall outlet and then connect the other end of the power cord into the printer.
Next, you have to press the Power button and make sure the printer turns on and is in ready state. Afterwards, connect a phone cable into an available telephone jack and plug the phone cable into the DSL filter. Now, turn the printer to the back to connect the other end of the phone cable into the fax port. You are done with setting up your printer for faxing. Your printer is now ready to send and receive faxes.
What Is HP Officejet Fax Error 388?
When the faxing machine fails to establish comparable connection, the HP Officejet Fax Error 388 appears. It can also be caused by incomplete installation of system files, improper deletion of applications or hardware, system infected with virus or program uninstallation.
In order to get rid of this specific faxing error issue, you need to opt for another time to set up a connection. If still the same error code exists while faxing the document, you have to plug the printer cable directly into the electricity socket and then start sending and receiving faxes. This may sort out your problem!
What Does ‘Comm.Error’ Mean On A Fax Machine?
The meaning of ‘Comm.Error’ is a communication error experienced when sending or receiving a fax. This error could generally been caused by either interruption on the line, phone line connection or another device on the line. Try resending the documents and see if the message is still arising or it is no longer been appeared.
If the message still appears, there may be a problem with the way the HP machine is connected or you may have a poor telephone line due to which the call gets disconnected. Therefore, make sure the telephone line is connected directly from the jack port on the HP machine labelled “Line” to the telephone wall jack port. This can solve your failed communication error issue in a pinch.
What Causes Fax Transmission Error?
When sending faxes using an online fax service, there is a high chance of receiving a transmission failure error. The actual Causes Fax Transmission Error are, because the fax hardware is incompatible, outdated hardware, phone line discontinuation, and data transmitting through telephone lines at a low signal strength or slow speed.
The possible and most wanted solution for this transmission error is, use the complete recipient number including the “+” international dial symbol when sending faxes. With this, you will no longer face Fax Transmission Error.
What Is Error 351 On An HP Officejet Fax?
The Error 351 On An HP Officejet Fax is the reference format generally been arisen due to damaged file or corrupted system files entries. The HP printer error 351 has a numeric error number and a technical description.
This may also occur if the connection is lost or the phone lines in the region to be faxed are old or there is noise on the telephone line. In some situation, incompatibility between the two machines could cause the error code 351 on HP fax machine. In order to solve this problem, try to disable the ECM or send faxes to a lower bit rate.
How Do I Clear The Error Code On My HP Printer?
There are numerous HP Printer error codes, generally occur while printing the document. Most common printer problems are: ink cartridge issue, less paper in paper tray, print queue problem, printer driver issue and many more. To temporarily Clear The Error Code On My HP Printer, I have to reset the printer. With the printer reset, all the printer problems will be sorted out in a pinch.
Why Does My Fax Machine Keep Saying Busy?
The Fax Machine Keeps Saying Busy on your HP machine means that we initiated the call but your destination was busy. It generally indicates that the number you attempted to send the faxes to, was busy or did not respond to your incoming fax.
This error will appear if your HP machine does not have a dial tone. To easily fix this problem, you will have to wait for a couple of minutes and the try to resend your fax. In case, the fax machine is still stating line busy/no answer, then figure out your fax machine if there is any fault in it. If fax machine is faulty, try to send a test fax to another fax number in order to effectively cope-up this problem.